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How A Physiotherapist Can Help You with Your Headaches

How A Physiotherapist Can Help You with Your Headaches

There’s a reason people describe something bad as being ‘such a headache’, because everyone knows how awful a headache can be. They are an incredibly common inconvenience in the lives of us all. There are over 300 different types of headache, but each of them can negatively impact your life and the lives of those around you. Shortlink to homepage: Treating a headache doesn’t have to involve throwing tablets at the issue. Not many people are aware that our specialist physiotherapists in Newcastle are trained in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headaches. There are 3 main categories that most headaches will fall into. These are: - Migraines - Tension-type headaches - Cervicogenic headaches No matter what type of headache you are suffering from, our Newcastle Physios will complete a detailed assessment of your problem. Once they have established your diagnosis they will discuss with you the appropriate treatment options. Here is a breakdown of some of the options we provide to our patients to help them with their headaches.


Acupuncture seeks to restore a positive flow of energy around your body. By placing tiny needles in your skin, it stimulates the nerves to release hormones like endorphins, that trigger a positive response from your body. This immune and circulation system stimulation is what relieves migraines and tension headaches.

Dry Needling

Similar to acupuncture, this treatment involves the use of small needles placed into your skin. However, this time it doesn’t involve the flow of energy, but the release of tension in pressure points.

Manual Therapy

This treatment is for cervicogenic headaches, where the pain is derived from neck problems. Once manual therapy is performed to improve the function of the neck, posture correction and physical therapy exercises are prescribed. These changes allow the neck to heal and recover, resolving the headaches. We also have a variety of other treatments including mobilisation, manipulation and muscle energy techniques that can be applied when necessary to help alleviate your pain. If you are suffering from regular painful headaches, you can make an appointment to see one of our expert physios by calling us on 0191 284 9111 or emailing

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