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Sports Massage Newcastle

Tired of tight, stiff, painful, knotted muscles? Relax - Book in with an Expert Today!

Sports Massage plays an essential role in maintaining peak performance, relaxing you and your muscles and helping you recovery from injury faster. We are SPORTS MASSAGE EXPERTS in Newcastle and have seen it and treated it all. 

Do you want to be pain free, fitter, stronger and perform to your maximum?

Good news

Our Newcastle Sports Massage Specialists are all highly qualified Physiotherapists. At Gosforth Physio and Wellness we are highly skilled in diagnosis, treatment, education and prevention of all Sport Injuries. We use our Sports Massage skills to get YOU back on track! Our team's skills are highly valued - we are proud to be the official Physiotherapy Team to the Elite Newcastle Gymnastic International Squads.


Sports Massage is a highly specialist area of expertise that we excel at. Our aim is to get you off the massage table as fast as possible and guide you back to be pain and injury free. 

To help the Elite Gymnasts stay injury free and increase their performance, we recommend regular Sports Massage. If we can help some of the strongest , fittest and most flexible athletes in the North. Then think what we can do for YOU!

Is Sports Massage for me?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just sports professionals who benefit from massage therapies. You do not need to be a top Newcastle athlete to benefit from a Newcastle sports massage!

Sports massage is effective for treating injuries, pain or restricted range of motion; issues that can just as easily arise undertaking amateur sports and exercise, and can be just as debilitating and detrimental to general health and wellbeing (as is anything which stops people from taking regular exercise). It is excellent for helping to treat both chronic and acute issues, focusing on treating both the cause and the resulting symptoms for the most efficient recovery.

Sports massage is also highly effective at maintaining joint range of motion, muscle tightness and relieving the effects of repetitive training activity. Our Newcastle Sports Massage can: 

  • Enhance Performance
  • Correct Posture
  • Improve Sleep
  • Faster Recovery
  • Alleviate Pain
  • Speed Up Healing
  • Prevent Injury
  • Rehabilitate Injury
  • Release Knots and Tension
  • Relaxation and Stress Relief

Deep Tissue Massage

As well as sports massage, we offer offer a range of other therapeutic treatments including deep tissue massage.

Deep tissue massage involves the manipulation of the deep layers of supporting tissues that make up the muscles and joints.

Most deep tissue massages normally focus on major muscle groups, such as the neck or lower back, along with joints and tendons. It’s particularly applied to areas that tend to tense up in times of stress, such as shoulders, neck and hips.

This deep manipulation stimulates blood flow and relieves muscle tension, while simultaneously lowering stress hormones like cortisol and releasing “happy hormones” such as serotonin and oxytocin.

Soft Tissue Massage

The key aims of soft tissue massage are to prevent pain, improve range of motion, spinal adjustments, aid muscle recovery, and generally enhance physical functions.

Improved Flexibility – Soft tissue massage helps to improve overall flexibility and lower the chances of having muscle injury. It involves stretching the muscle fibres, promoting flexibility and maintaining it.

Reduced Pain – An effective way to relieve muscular pain, whether from injury or overwork, soft tissue massage helps you deal with pain effectively and be able to perform your tasks better.

Improved Circulation – Good circulation enhances your performance levels. It has a great impact not only in blood circulation but also in lymphatic circulation, which means better removal of waste, more oxygen and an increased food supply.

Decreased Tension – Sometimes stress can get the better of you, making relaxing difficult – so muscle relaxation is important. With regular soft tissue massage, you can easily learn to relax your mind and body.

Improved Sleep – Soft tissue massage can help improve your sleep patterns. This form of massage reduces that tension, promoting deeper, longer sleep.


Couldn't find your answer here? Give us a call today on 0191 284 9111

Can I have physiotherapy if I have private medical insurance?

Yes, it is very simple.

We treat you, you pay us, we provide you with an invoice and your insurance company remiburses you directly.

Gosforth Physio is registered with all major insurance companies such as Cigna, Simply Health, Pru Health, WPA, AVIVA, Standard Life and many more.

Due to the low fees we recieve we no longer work with Axa PPP, Bupa, HCML, or the Nuffield.

Interested in Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic ?

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Better by 5

Improve Performance

When it comes to sport, there are very few of us who are not competitive. No matter what the sport – and no matter at what level we participate – we all want to perform to our very best.

Incorporating a regular sports massage into your training regime brings very real benefits. Not only does it help improve your overall performance; it also reduces the risk of injuries developing.

Sports massage can release tension as a result of training (or other lifestyle factors), improve circulation and range of motion, as well as reduce recovery time.


Once you have run your race, played your match, or finished your work-out, it’s important for your body to properly recover – and that’s where sports massage can really help.

In the hands of our skilled practitioners, post-exercise sports massage helps by stimulating your blood flow, which leads to greater tissue permeability and speeds the healing of soft tissue.

This type of massage helps reduce muscle soreness and allows your muscular system to heal more efficiently.


Sports Massage is also an effective form of ‘prehabilitation’, preventing physical training and repetitive movement becoming injury by releasing tension before it impacts movement.

At Gosforth Physio & Wellness each massage session is unique and tailored to your individual requirements, and any queries or concerns you may have regarding your symptoms will be discussed during the initial assessment.

We constantly strive to help recovery, enhance performance and aid injury prevention, using a variety of techniques derived from various bodywork styles.

What do our customers say?
We have many new and returning customers that love the service we provide.

Resolved a series of niggling issues that had been getting worse as my training sessions progressed … thankfully pain free and ready for my next Marathon thank you.

CB Doctor and Marathon runner

Excellent understanding of what I needed as a long distance runner with great advice on stretches specific to my needs. Knowledgeable, friendly and easy to understand.

AK Office worker and runner
Do you want to be pain free, fitter, stronger and perform to your maximum?
Let's get started by taking action today.
See a Specialist
Book in with our expert Physiotherapists to start getting to the root cause of your problem.
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Call us on 0191 284 9111 or send us a message about booking, appointments or any questions you may have.
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Newcastle Pilates Classes
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  • Physio-led Pilates.
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Better by 5

Over 90% of our patients get ‘Better by 5’ sessions.

If you need any of our physiotherapy, sports injury, sports massage or acupuncture services, you should see and feel a real difference by the end of your fifth session.

If, on the other hand, there is no improvement in your clinical condition or in the way you feel – we STOP after the fifth session. At that point, we reassess the reasons why there has been no apparent improvement and, if necessary, we can organise scans and letters to GP's and Consultants. You can be sure that we will never continue treating you unless there is a positive benefit – and only when you (and we) agree on your treatment plan.

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We're accredited by
PF Member
SOR - Society of Radiographers
We work with insurance companies
Simply Health