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Neck Pain Treatment Newcastle

Worried you have damaged, harmed or injured your neck? Relax-we treat neck pain all day every day!

Neck pain and stiffness can be debilitating leading to time off work; preventing holidays or severely limit your ability to perform sports, engage in hobbies and enjoy life with family and friends.

Do you want to be pain free fast?

Good news

Our expert Physiotherapists at Gosforth Physio and Wellness are highly skilled in diagnosis, treatment, education and prevention of neck pain and stiffness.


We use our head before we use our hands!

Expert - Hands on treatment, acupuncture, dry needling and massage can help settle neck pain, tight muscles, stiff-locked joints, swelling and inflammation fast.

We do not keep you coming back week after week, month after month for unnecessary treatments (see our 'Better by 5'). We focus on the root cause fast and treat your pain quickly so you can move on with your life as fast as possible.

You can be sure that you’re placing your health in the right hands. Once a detailed assessment is completed and we have established your diagnosis all appropriate treatment options will be discussed with you and treatment given in the session.

Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to aid speedy recovery from neck pain and help prevent its recurrence.

Neck Pain Cause

There’s no doubt about it: an inability to fully move your head, or a sore and painful neck can be very frustrating – yet it’s simple to fix in the majority of cases.

Neck pain has many causes usually due to musculoskeletal issues. Acute neck pain can be assessed, diagnosed and treatment started usually in your first physiotherapy session.

A proportion of neck complaints may develop into persistent or chronic neck pain and become multifactorial in nature. Evidence suggests the risk of chronic neck pain increases once neck pain is established for 6 weeks. It is therefore essential to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your neck pain so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the source.

Some uncommon bone disorders, tumours, fractures, infections, inflammatory conditions, ankylosing spondylitis and pressure from structures near to the spine occasionally cause neck pain. Diseases including osteoarthritis, spondylosis and osteoporosis can also cause pain due to joint degeneration.

We do not keep you coming back week after week, month after month for unnecessary treatments (see our 'Better by 5').
Worried you have damaged or injured yourself?

Get in touch or live stream one of our classes to start your recovery today.

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Better by 5

Poor Posture

One of the major causes of neck pain is poor posture, something that is becoming more and more common in modern society.

Basically, we humans were built to move – and we rarely do.

Poor posture, whether due to sitting, standing and lifting during work, or participating in hobbies and sports over a prolonged period of time, overloads the structures of your neck – and this leads to accumulated micro-trauma causing injury and neck pain.

Muscles fatigue, ligaments overstretch, discs stretch and this places spinal joints and nerves under pain-causing pressure. Your brain tries to alleviate the pain by moving your body into postures that slacken the nerves being irritated. However, this can lead to the muscles being placed into shortened positions which eventually causes further irritation and pain, thus beginning a vicious circle of pain and dysfunction.

A high percentage of neck pain problems lead to headaches due to poor postures in sitting, sleeping or standing. Many people often do not realise that the headaches they experience are often due to neck and postural problems and that their symptoms can be treated very successfully once an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Disc Bulge

A bulging disc can be a common injury sustained to your spine’s intervertebral disc. It can occur in your neck (cervical spine), upper and mid-back (thoracic spine) or your lower back (lumbar spine).

A bulging disc is also commonly be referred to as a slipped disc or a protruding disc. If the disc bulge is large enough to injure the annulus (outer layer of the disc), the nucleus (inner substance of the disc) can press outwards on the weakened disc wall, causing your disc to bulge outwards. The cervical disc may also protrude and put pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots, leading to pins and needles, numbness or pain radiating into the shoulder, arm, elbow or fingers and thumbs.

Acute Wry neck

A wry neck is a common condition, with patients generally reporting a sudden onset of pain and stiffness in the neck or upper back. Noticeable limitation of movement and postural deformity occurs due to locking of one of the facet joints or a bulging disc of the neck.

This can cause some people to become very concerned due to the rapid nature of the symptoms, their inability to move or function and sharp pain – and this can quickly become worse if people become stressed about it…


Stress and other emotional factors play a major role in neck pain, particularly persistent / chronic neck pain. Many people unconsciously tighten their neck muscles when they are under stress (they ‘take the weight of the world on their shoulders’!).

The major drivers of chronic pain states are stress and anxiety; they cause about 80% of sufferers’ symptoms. In cases where there was an injury, this will usually heal in approximately 3-4 months; however the pain is still experienced. How so? It is driven by chemical releases from the stress hormones adrenalin and cortosol. Numerous vicious circles form, thus perpetuating the pain state.

Treatments include:

  • Manual Therapy
  • Mobilisation
  • Manipulation
  • Acupuncture
  • Dry needling
  • Massage
  • Taping
  • Soft Tissue Release
  • Trigger Point Muscle Release
  • Muscle Energy Techniques
  • Postural Education / Advice
  • Postural Strengthening

You will be taught specific strengthening, stretching and Pilates exercises to perform at home to enhance and speed up your recovery, allowing you to effectively self manage your problem.

It is very rare that an MRI scan or X Ray is required. However, if your Physiotherapist or you feel that further investigation is necessary we can arrange private scans quickly. Referrals can be arranged in 2-5 days at The Newcastle Clinic and at North Tyneside MRI Centre.

We NEVER give up on understanding and SOLVING your problem.

Do you want to be pain free, fitter, stronger and perform to your maximum?
Let's get started by taking action today.
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Book in with our expert Physiotherapists to start getting to the root cause of your problem.
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Call us on 0191 284 9111 or send us a message about booking, appointments or any questions you may have.
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Newcastle Pilates Classes
  • Build the Body - Calm the Mind.
  • Physio-led Pilates.
  • Book your free tater class today
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What do our customers say?
We have many new and returning customers that love the service we provide.

I recently injured my neck and saw Kevin four times in total. I can’t recommend him highly enough. He saw me very promptly and I was immediately impressed with his knowledge and explanation. He was incredibly thorough and I saw a significant improvement after my first session. He gave me useful exercises to perform which also helped and, at the end of my sessions, I felt completely back to normal. Very professional, first class service from the first phone call to discharge.

Andy Consultant Oncologist at Freeman Hospital, Newcastle
Better by 5

Over 90% of our patients get ‘Better by 5’ sessions.

If you need any of our physiotherapy, sports injury, sports massage or acupuncture services, you should see and feel a real difference by the end of your fifth session.

If, on the other hand, there is no improvement in your clinical condition or in the way you feel – we STOP after the fifth session. At that point, we reassess the reasons why there has been no apparent improvement and, if necessary, we can organise scans and letters to GP's and Consultants. You can be sure that we will never continue treating you unless there is a positive benefit – and only when you (and we) agree on your treatment plan.

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PF Member
SOR - Society of Radiographers
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Simply Health