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There is nothing more frustrating than incurring an injury when playing the sport you love.

It throws your plans off-balance and your health into doubt. Fortunately, we are here to help. Not only do our expert physiotherapists provide you with the reassurance in the form of a personalised treatment plan, but their expertise will also reduce the time you spend away from your favourite activity. Injuries are an inevitability of an active life, irrespective of age and this can cause some people to overlook minor injuries as unimportant, however the impact of an unchecked injury can often turn into a major issue over time. That’s why our dedicated sports injury, Newcastle-based physiotherapists use their expertise to help you heal sports injuries of any kind.

We combine a range of therapies to provide tailored exercise and movement programmes that utilise our expertise and accelerate your healing. An expert mix of physiotherapy, sports massage, Pilates, and sports-specific rehabilitation services will help you recover from your injury, whether it is recurring, pre-existing or new entirely. Before we begin any treatment programme for your sports injury, Newcastle-based physiotherapists assess your injury and physical profile to ensure the service will benefit your individual biology. We have your best interests at heart so if there has been no improvement by the end of your fifth session, we will instead refer you to a GP as your health is our priority, although over 90% of patients do see improvements by this time.

Sports injuries can take a toll on your mental health as well as your physical ability because time spent away from doing the activities we love forces us away from our routines and renders us feeling helpless. The treatment you need is on the horizon when you seek out therapy for a sports injury from Newcastle-based practitioners with a licence to help you heal.

Anybody can seek out sports injury help from us, irrespective of age or skill, so don’t hesitate to get the help you need today.

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