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The Benefits of Soft Tissue Massage

Massage is widely known for its relaxation properties but that’s not all that soft tissue massage can do for you. Of course, muscle relaxation is a given, but massage also stimulates blood circulation and improves lymph flow - which strongly contributes to your immune system by cleaning unwanted bacteria from your body. In this way, massage is healing not only for your muscles but for your whole system!

The additional blood circulation also speeds up the healing process for sprains, strains, and other injuries. This is because your muscles are built of fibers that neatly alternate but when these become tangled or damaged muscles can become tight and therefore become injured.

While stretching can help realign the muscle fibers, it may not be enough for some people. This is where soft tissue massage steps into target and release tension, realigning the body correctly.

Other physical benefits include:

  • Reduction of inflammation of joints and heart rate
  • Improved range of motion and flexibility
  • Releases endorphins
  • Decreases muscle spasms and cramp
  • Improves oxygen flow
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Increases haemoglobin production
  • Enhancement in athletic performance
  • Ease stiffness and pain in arthritis sufferers
  • Eases discomfort associated with pregnancy and menopause
  • Reduction in symptoms of fibromyalgia

Did you know that, on top of all these fantastic physical benefits, massage can greatly contribute to your mental health?

Massage improves your alpha-beta brain wave correspondence, which can enhance your efficiency and problem-solving skills. Additionally, a reduction in stress resulting from massage and its associated release of endorphins improves memory, as stress hormones attack the hippocampus.

If you’re interested in finding out more about soft tissue massage, then please visit our website or contact us on 0191 284 9111 or via email at

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