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Sports Massage For Niggling Pain

How a sports massage will help with all your niggling pain Ignoring or medicating for niggling pain? Sports massage may be for you If you have a chronic, nagging, niggling pain, especially one that only comes on when you partake in physical exercise, chances are you’ve become resigned to simply accepting that this is just how things are. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You may even have had the niggling pain for so long that you hardly even notice it’s there, or certainly don’t think of it as being out of the ordinary (it’s ordinary to you, after all).

This can be true for many people who live with low-level, not debilitating back pain – they simply grow to live with it, only properly realising what a well-functioning, non-pained back feels like if it is remedied in some way.

Not just for athletes

Most people think of sports massage as being something accomplished athletes undertake after competitions and training in order to prevent injury, or as part of physiotherapy following a serious injury that’s put them out of action. In fact, sports massage can provide the perfect antidote to all manner of niggling pains, whether you’re an elite athlete or only a few rungs above couch potato on the activity-ometer, and so should be strongly considered as an avenue to explore if you’ve such a pain that isn’t going away of its own accord. If you come to us for a consultation, regardless of whether you’re looking to soothe a chronic niggle or fix an acute, serious injury, the treatment recommended will depend on many factors, including diagnosing the specific source (or sources) of the pain. But in our experience, an expert, individually-tailored sports massage can work wonders.

Don’t rely on pills...

In most cases, non-prescription medications such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can help with short-term pain and inflammation, but these treatments carry their own side effects and are not designed to be used long term, despite their popularity. If you find yourself reaching for them more as a matter of course whilst training or undertaking any form of exercise, you should speak to a physiotherapist or doctor. In the same way that a monthly visit to a chiropractor or osteopath can ‘reset’ certain issues for some chronic back pain sufferers, a regular sports massage, whether deep tissue or soft tissue, myofascial or trigger point release, can help alleviate a whole host of niggling pains that you do not have to put up with.

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