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Guided Motion is Lotion

Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘motion is lotion’? Succinctly put, the idea is that if you have hurt yourself in a certain area of your body while exercising or playing sports, you are best placed to keep moving to help it heal. However, the only movements you make should be in deliberate motions designed by a Newcastle sports injury specialist. Physiotherapy was created to help you nurse your body back to health scientifically, so it isn’t the case that movement itself will heal you as trying to ‘push through’ the pain will only bring more of it. That’s why idly waiting for your niggles and aches to get better is the worst thing you can do. It’s possible you will get used to the pain and therefore ignore the long-term damage you are doing with your hesitation to seek treatment, or you will make the problem worse and eventually seek help anyway.

Our qualified team of physiotherapists know what they are doing because they are highly qualified and offer years of experience. We hire experts with diverse backgrounds to help us preserve our reputation as a leader in Newcastle sports injury specialist physiotherapy and to provide you with the best treatment you could receive. We treat everybody, from casual joggers to the Elite Newcastle Gymnastic International Squads and beyond.

Simply put, sports injury treatments help you to enjoy playing your sport for longer and to perform better. It works by combining physiotherapy, sports massage, Pilates, & sports specific rehab services. It’s only with trained experts that you can get to the root cause of your problems and prevent further issues from occurring. No matter how convinced you are that your aches and pains are ‘just how it is’ or a ‘part of getting older’, we can show you otherwise by offering solutions that are tailored to your personal profile.

If you would like to enquire about booking a session with our Newcastle sports injury specialists in Newcastle, or if you have any other questions, please contact us today.

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