5 Great Reasons to Take Up Pilates This Winter
As the evenings grow darker and the frosty weather closes in, the spreads of delicious food begin to fill your tables. Winter is the perfect time to take up Pilates, and here is why:
Boost Mood and Relieve Stress
The darkness that comes along with winter can often shroud your mental health. With common conditions such as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) becoming ever present when the dark nights get longer, the endorphins released during Pilates can have a positive effect on mood and stress levels.
Avoid Injury
Many people become less active as the cold weather arrives, this can lead to muscles and joints tightening up, therefore inhibiting mobility in these areas. Keeping your body ‘well-oiled’ and warmed up with Pilates exercises throughout winter keeps you mobile, helping you to avoid injury.
Strengthen Your Immune System
It’s cold and flu season, and you need all the help you can get to avoid the dreaded runny nose, sore throat and scratchy cough that is incredibly common this time of year. Regular exercise is proven to strengthen your immune system helping to fight off bacterial and viral infections. ELSEWHERE ON THE WEB: https://www.bloglovin.com/@andyboil/3-things-you-may-not-know-about-physiotherapy
Maintain Physique
If you usually participate in exercise during the warmer months, you don’t have to undo all of your hard work; Pilates can help you maintain your sports form through focused, core strengthening exercise.
Control Your Weight
We know that the selection of delicious pies, puddings and party food can be tempting. Keeping up regular exercise over the season means you can still enjoy the festive menu, while also giving your body a way to burn those extra Christmas calories.