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Newcastle Podiatry                                              

Call 07904681477

Newcastle Podiatry - Independent and expert Podiatry foot care working within Gosforth Physio and Wellness. James is highly skilled in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of day-to-day foot problems. Including: toenail problems, thickened toenails, fungal nail infections, ingrown toenails. corns and calluses. These can all have secondary effects preventing you from being able to maintain and improve your fitness, as many forms of exercise involve being on your feet!


James is a foot specialist and member of the United Kingdom’s Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists as well as fully qualified and registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Routine chiropody covers a wide spectrum of common skin & nail conditions. Services we offer at our Newcastle chiropody clinic include:

  • Nail Cutting & Ingrown Toenail Treatment
  • Thickened, Misshapen, & Fungal Nail Treatment & Management
  • Corn Treatment & Callous Removal
  • Dry & Hard Skin Treatment
  • Cracked Heel Treatment
  • Athlete’s Foot Remedies
  • Chilblain Management
  • Verruca Treatment & Therapies
  • Diabetic Foot Care

If you have any questions please get in touch:

Call 07904681477


City of Newcastle Gymnastics Academy  British Gymnastics  British Gymnastics

Newcastle Gymnastics

We are very proud to work with the Newcastle Gymnastics Elite teams, keeping them in prime condition for national and international competitions.

We assess and treat the elite teams and help more than 250 gymnasts stay injury free and become even stronger.

Our specialist Physio Biomechanical assessments identify weakness, tightness and stiffness in the athletes body. We then prescribe the correct exercise and grade it over months so the bodys systems can cope the with demands being placed on it during the beam, pommel horse, vault, high bar, floor, parrell bars and rings.

We combine this with weekly bespoke Elite standard Physio-led Pilates classes.

If some of the fittest, strongest most flexible athletes in the North can benefit from our physiotherapy & Pilates skills. Think what we can do for you!

Worried you have damaged or injured yourself?

Get in touch or live stream one of our classes to start your recovery today.

Let's get started!
Do you want to be pain free, fitter, stronger and perform to your maximum?
Let's get started by taking action today.
See a Specialist
Book in with our expert Physiotherapists to start getting to the root cause of your problem.
Book in Today
Get in touch
Call us on 0191 284 9111 or send us a message about booking, appointments or any questions you may have.
Contact us
Newcastle Pilates Classes
  • Build the Body - Calm the Mind.
  • Physio-led Pilates.
  • Book your free tater class today
Pilates Classes
Better by 5

Over 90% of our patients get ‘Better by 5’ sessions.

If you need any of our physiotherapy, sports injury, sports massage or acupuncture services, you should see and feel a real difference by the end of your fifth session.

If, on the other hand, there is no improvement in your clinical condition or in the way you feel – we STOP after the fifth session. At that point, we reassess the reasons why there has been no apparent improvement and, if necessary, we can organise scans and letters to GP's and Consultants. You can be sure that we will never continue treating you unless there is a positive benefit – and only when you (and we) agree on your treatment plan.

Get in touch
We're accredited by
PF Member
SOR - Society of Radiographers
We work with insurance companies
Simply Health
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