Kate qualified in Physiotherapy at Nottingham University in 1999, and became therapy lead for a multidisciplinary team specialising in admission prevention.
She went on to develop the inpatient falls prevention services at both UCLH and the Royal Free Hospital London, before relocating back home to Newcastle. She continued to provide supervision and project management advice on a consultancy basis until, in 2017, she took on the substantive role as Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist at the Falls and Syncope Service in Newcastle’s RVI.
Kate became the lead therapist to Newcastle in assessment and treatment of dizziness with a specialist expertise in BPPV in older people. She went on to developing training and workshops to promote the recognition and impact of dizziness and imbalance on postural stability in older people, developing a dizziness service. Her interest in dizziness lead to publication of a case review of chronic dizziness (persistent perceptual postural dizziness) and the invitation to speak at an international conference at Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 2019 followed by the organisation of a two-day dizziness course for physicians.
As a specialist physiotherapist in falls and vestibular medicine Kate now splits her time between private clients and sits on the national committee for physiotherapists specialising in vestibular rehabilitation where she continues to take an active role in developing training and patient education around dizziness and imbalance. She has excellent interpersonal skills and enjoys developing collaborative rehabilitation journeys for her clients offering specialist assessment and treatment of dizziness, imbalance and falls.
We at Gosforth Physio and Wellness are very excited to have Kate join us as our ‘Dizzy’ specialist. We are confident in her ability to make a difference in the lives of those struggling with balance and vertigo across the northeast.

The Link Between Posture and Neck Pain