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What Are Some Myths About Pilates?

As is often the case in the realm of exercise, people often have a certain image in their mind of a regular Pilates class attendee. But our ethos at Gosforth Physio is that exercise is for everyone, and we have the testimonies to prove it. If you are looking for Pilates classes in Newcastle, you will see people of all ages, genders and abilities taking part to become a fitter and stronger version of themselves.

Myth Number 1 – It’s Just for Women

“Only young women can take Pilates.” Social media and mainstream tv shows depict certain images as a standard blueprint for what is commonplace, and despite the fact we know these images are manufactured (or in the case of tv, even fictional) we are still influenced by what we have been shown. What if you knew that sporting legend David Beckham partakes in Pilates? He might be a few miles away from our highly rated Pilates classes in Newcastle, but he still does the same exercise you could do to achieve a greater sense of wellbeing and overall higher fitness levels.

It might be useful to know we teach the international gymnastics teams at Newcastle Gymnastics to get an idea of how high our standards of teaching are. Only expert Pilates instructors teach our classes at Gosforth Physio & Wellness!

Our beginners’ classes really are suitable for all ages, genders and levels, so don’t be daunted if you have never taken part in a Pilates class before.

Myth Number 2 – Core Pilates

“The problem is with your core muscles.” In the early 1990s some research was published that suggested the core muscles in your stomach were responsible for your back pain and other problems, with pilates posed as a viable solution. Since science is fluid in its understanding of facts, this conclusion has been de-bunked in the 30 years that have gone by, but the marketing by many studios of ‘Core Pilates’ has stuck around.

Pilates is not just centred around ‘strengthening your core’. Our Physio-Led Pilates classes in Newcastle are focused on understanding modern science and helping you to restore strength and flexibility to your body. Our sedentary lifestyles have led to weaker muscles and while having strong abdominal muscles is important and beneficial, we have the authentic commitment to our trade to know working on your core is not the comprehensive solution.

Our Pilates classes are run by physiotherapists who have extensive training in anatomy, functional movement, Pilates and pain neurobiology. We are the real deal for everyone to become fitter and healthier.

If you would like to enquire about our Pilates classes in Newcastle, please contact us today.

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