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Looking After Diabetic Feet with Podiatry

The best way to look after diabetic feet is to let a professional do the hard work. Out podiatrists in Newcastle are members of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists here in the UK, meaning we’re officially recognised, professionals. Our staff are fully qualified to provide a comprehensive diabetic foot assessment and impart advice on how best to look after them at home, such as:

  • Wear well-fitting shoes and take advantage of our bespoke orthotics.
  • Keep toenails maintained without trimming them too short or down the sides.
  • Try to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Manage your glucose control.
  • Check your feet every day.
  • Avoid crossing your legs and lowering circulation to your feet.
  • Never walk barefoot outdoors.

What to watch out for at home:

  • Pain.
  • Redness or other colour changes.
  • Swelling or change in foot shape.
  • Damaged skin.
  • Build-up of hard skin (callus).
  • Difficulty walking or putting on shoes.
  • Shiny smooth skin.
  • Hair loss on your feet or legs.
  • Tingling sensations like pins and needles.
  • Cramps in calves or feet.
  • Odd temperature differences across one or both feet.

If you’re showing any of these signs, then it’s best to make an appointment with one of our professionals. Do not attempt to cut off any hard skin, corns, verruca, etc on your own as you could cause damage to your feet. This damage can result in huge problems in the future, which is why it’s best to let a podiatrist assist with your feet.

If you’re interested in podiatry in Newcastle, then you can find more information on our website or you can contact us on 0191 284 9111 or via email at

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